I seam to be fixated on an assortment of goody bags and their many many maker options.
Ya got yur quick bags yur satin bags, yur drawstring bags, yur ribbon tied and my favorite the cotton lined satin, double channel grosgrain ribbon tie bag.
That's a mouth full.
Anyway, the plan is to make a variety and share them as thank yous and make them as gift packs.
This Blog isn't exclusive to AB's but written in consideration of Absolute Beginners. In language and terms that will help an Absolute Beginner understand. You may occasionally see a reminder that this site is written with the beginner in mind. Experienced sewist often assume beginners know sewing terminology. If you are a beginner with more experience disregard the language and the ABAlerts, feel free to add to and enjoy the conversation.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
The all purpose Goodie bags
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Blankets for beginers
More blankets ideas to share.
Once you get started the ideas start to flow like am avalanche. One blanket design builds on another. Before you know it boom!💥
You're in a blanket freenzy.
Friday, September 30, 2016
What Color is October!

Sew, let's focus on the colors of October and what projects we can practice on this month.
A part of coming up with ideas starts with what colors you will choose. Problem solved!
Your challenge this month, should you choose to accept it, must have at least 2 of this months color options.
Classic Goodie bags for Beginners
It's not just a goodie bag it's a drawstring goodie bag!
-make them for the holidays filed with cookies and treats.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Back to Posting
Sew many things to post sew little time.
I'm a sew-er! Not a writer!
Now that I've admitted it, I feel free enough to express myself. We can't all be good at everything!
One thing is enough for me.
I have not posted regularly because of the pressure I put on myself when it comes to using words in the right order. Words are everywhere and everyone seams to be using them.
Yes, I will mispell certain words on purpose. Sewing related spellings? You are not seeing things. Consider it the language of sewing. Sew, just read, comment and enjoy.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I feel sew lightweight and silky!
I have sewing stories to tell and sewing journeys to share.
Designed to get you sewing and fill those moments in your days when your looking for sewing inspiration.
May your day stay zipped-Kate
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Happy Anniversary to us
No regrets, I'm having a blast! everyday is a play day for me.
My goal has always been to get the world back into sewing. I say "back into" sewing because many people seem to think sewing has died out. Not true, just think about it....Pinterest.....Etsy.......Ebay...... and pretty darn close to a billion little online shops dedicated to the Art of Sewing.
Sew! Grab your sewing machine, albeit in a box unopened, handed down from a grandparent or given to you just last Christmas. Bring it in and let's fire it up! and get to sewing.
Today a dedicated beginner said to me....Kate! that sign on the wall should say "Classic Sewing and Crafting".
As of today, we will be sewing and crafting in here. It's a nature relationship.
If you are more than a beginner and need jump start your skills this is the place to be!
Saturday, April 30, 2016
April 30th 2016
I'm thinking of posting more pictures of what's going on in the shop rather than emptying my thoughts in some random order. It seems to me that pictures will speak louder than anything I can type. May the shop pictures inspire you to share and get your sewing going.